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1- Introduction of SPX Programme
This video identifies the goals of the SPX Programme and its rationale, showing the specific role of the SPX programme in Opportunity Development and Matchmaking. It also shows the benefits to suppliers and buyers, describes the enabling environment and the type of stakeholders involved.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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2- Buyer Identification
This video talks about a crucial element of the programme which is the buyer identification, increased awareness of buyer opportunities and how to increase the possibility of engaging with buyers.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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3- Acquiring opportunities
Directly linked with the previous one, this video presents the tools to ensure that the opportunities identified are acquired.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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4- Developing and prioritizing opportunities
This video describes the steps to effectively develop and prioritize buyer opportunities. Following the analyses of buyer needs, quantification of opportunity values and volume and prioritization of buyer opportunities is possible to optimize the opportunities.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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5- Sending out opportunity alerts to supplier and receiving responses
After the identification and development of opportunities, this video shows how to use those possibilities and connect suppliers to buyers.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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6- Short listing of suppliers
This section shows how to effectively manage and optimize the responses for the opportunities identified in this module.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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7- Sharing the short list with supporting documents with the buyer
This video introduces the use of RFQs, showing the right way of bringing the short- list of suppliers’ opportunities to the buyer to increase the chances of matchmaking.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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8- Initial RFQ process
This session delves deeper in understanding the dynamics of RFQs, referring to the procedures, sequence and the intricacies of the RFQ process.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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9- Final Buyer qualification of final shortlist
In this final session of the Module 3, the point to manage the final selected quotes is described. This gives a better understanding of the next steps of the process in terms of procurement rules, engagement rules and logistics.
Lecturer: Henning Viljoen
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