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1- The investment project and cycle and preliminary phases
This first video introduces to models of investment analysis, investment appraisal and practical guide lines for dealing with investment operations.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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2- The project investment: the step of the identification
This video explains the first step of a project investment. The video shows how to perform the identification and the analysis of a project investment.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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3- The project investment: the step of preparation
The second step in the project investment refers to the study of the project investment. This video refers to the main elements of the preparation, considerations about feasibility, pre-investment studies and how UNIDO COMFAR software can assist in this process.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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4- The project investment: the step of the appraisal, promotions and their contexts
Crucial and important activities for the project investment success are explained by their players and processes.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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5- The project investment: implementation part 1 of 2
Focusing on the need to transform ideas in activities, this video first covers the implementation process and its cyclical aspects and secondly, the planning aspect and the work breakdown structure.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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6- The project investment: implementation part 2 of 2
Following the implementation process, this video approaches other aspects relevant to the implementation of the project investment.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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7- Investment in a context of Expansion/Modernization
This video approaches investment from the perspective of an already existing company, bringing different analysis to the situation.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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8- The importance of the project appraisal
This video describes the importance of project appraisal. It explains the participants’ perspectives and respective concerns.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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9- Introduction and the market analysis
This video starts with the second part of the module 5. It provides an introduction to a crucial part of the project investment process; i.e. the market analysis.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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10- The market analysis: other aspects
This video delves deeper in the concept of market analysis. It provides an overview of new tools for a complete and effective analysis.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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11- The market research
This video show how companies and organizations conduct market research.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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12- The market research: data collecting process
This video presents a deeper analysis on market research, bringing detailed knowledge on how to proceed when collecting data. It explains the types of data, the survey process and sampling and questionnaires.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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13- The demand forecasting
As a continuation of the market research, this video presents how to use the data collected to forecast demand. It provides general considerations, a description of various models and presents a representative sample of methods, finalized with the concept of elasticity of demand.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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14- The marketing strategy part 1
After a comprehensive understanding of the market, this video refers to the process and approach to the marketing strategy. This video presents different case studies.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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15- The marketing strategy part 2
This video continuous with further aspects related to the marketing strategy, specifically focusing on the notion that market strategy has to be aligned with the company’s overall strategy.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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16- Technical analysis: general considerations
This video explores different aspects and phases of the technical analysis.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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17- Aspects about technology
This video focuses on the concept of technology, the process of choosing the right technology including an understanding of the influencing factors.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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18- Aspects about product and production - 1st Part
These sets of 4 videos provide a general overview and specific focus on products and the production process.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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19- Aspects about product and production - 2nd Part
These sets of 4 videos provide a general overview and specific focus on products and the production process.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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20- Aspects about product and production - 3rd Part
These sets of 4 videos provide a general overview and specific focus on products and the production process.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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21- Aspects about product and production - 4th Part
These sets of 4 videos provide a general overview and specific focus on products and the production process.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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22- Aspects about organization and overhead cost
This video presents the relation between organizational aspects and overhead costs. It shows the interaction of overhead costs, the importance of human resources planning and project requirements for qualified human resources.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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23- Aspects about location and site selection
A very important issue to the success of a project investment is the right assessment of location of the investment and the site selection. This video elaborates on these issues and the criteria to be taken in consideration when making the decision.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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24- Environmental analysis and the final implementation plan
The last video in this series refers to environmental considerations in the investment process as well as the final implementation plan.
Lecturer: Luca Giustiniano
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