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1- Introduction to the financial analysis of investment projects
The first video of this module provides an introduction to the activity of resource allocation. It shows very complete study of the concepts and steps involved in financial analysis.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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2- Analyzing the investment costs
This video provides a thorough overview of every aspect of investment costs. It introduces the idea of costs, explains fixed assets, pre-production expenditures and contingencies.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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3- The financial coverage 1st part: an overview of the sources of finance
This set of 3 videos present the various sources of financing, explaining the different types and the calculations necessary to evaluate the right choice for each case.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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4- The financial coverage 2nd part: debt and equity financing
This set of 3 videos present the various sources of financing, explaining the different types and the calculations necessary to evaluate the right choice for each case.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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5- The financial coverage 3rd part: cost of capital
This set of 3 videos present the various sources of financing, explaining the different types and the calculations necessary to evaluate the right choice for each case.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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6- The financial performance measurement 1°part: an overview of the financial stements
This video provides a first overview of the importance of financial statements, describing the It describes the linkages between assets, liabilities revenues and costs for a project.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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7- The financial performance measurement 2°part: static indicators
This video introduces indicators used to financially analyse a project at a specific moment time. It refers to rate of return, financial ratios and risk-related indicators.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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8- The financial performance measurement 3°part: introduction to dynamics indicators
Dynamic indicators refer to the entire life span of an investment project, considering different types of dynamic indicators to a project.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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9- The financial performance measurement 4°part: the discounting process
This video presents how the time value is applied to operations, making reference to compounding and discounting process and the present value of a series of payments.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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10- The financial performance measurement 5°part: time value and operations cash flows
This video presents the time value in borrowing and investment, making special reference to the time value and the characteristics of operations in cash flow.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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11- The financial performance measurement 6°part: dynamic payback and net present value
This video approaches types of dynamic indicators to explain dynamic payback and net present value.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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12- The financial performance measurement 7°part: IRR and NPVR
This video focuses on two very important financial tools used to analyse any investment project, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the Net Present Value Ratio (NPVR).
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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13- The financial performance measurement 8°part: criteria vs.indicators
Indicators are very important to assess an investment project. However, this video shows that those indicators should only be used to perform any decisions when compared with the right criteria. Reference is made to dynamic criteria and its relation with inflation.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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14- The risk analysis 1° part
Investors do not like risks. In order to mitigate and control risks in the project, various tools to quantify and isolate the risk factors, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view, are utilized.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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15- The risk analysis 2° part
Investors do not like risks. In order to mitigate and control risks in the project, various tools to quantify and isolate the risk factors, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view, are utilized.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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16- The Economic analysis: general considerations
Reference is now made to the wider evaluation of the impact of projects on the economy and society as a whole.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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17- The Economic analysis: structure
With the understanding of economic analysis, this video delves deeper into the fields of its application, the concept behind and methods of economic analysis.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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18- Economic pricing 1° part
Markets usually do not reflect the true economic value of resources. Therefore, there is a need to move from market to economic values. This set of 3 videos present an overview of how to assess and quantify the economic value of products.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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19- Economic pricing 2° part
Markets usually do not reflect the true economic value of resources. Therefore, there is a need to move from market to economic values. This set of 3 videos present an overview of how to assess and quantify the economic value of products.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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20- Economic pricing 3° part
Markets usually do not reflect the true economic value of resources. Therefore, there is a need to move from market to economic values. This set of 3 videos present an overview of how to assess and quantify the economic value of products.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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21- Methods of economic anlysis: the economic cost-benefit analysis 1° part
This analysis assists in making decisions on resource allocation through the selection of those projects which mostly fit to initial goals.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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22- Methods of economic anlysis: the economic cost-benefit analysis 2° part
This analysis assists in making decisions on resource allocation through the selection of those projects which mostly fit to initial goals.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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23- Methods of economic anlysis: the value added 1° part
Value added is one of the methods used to assess the impact of a project on the economy as a whole.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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24- Methods of economic anlysis: the value added 2° part
Value added is one of the methods used to assess the impact of a project on the economy as a whole.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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25- Methods of economic anlysis: other issues
The last video of the module will approach the remaining issues regarding investment analysis, focusing on supplementary indicators and the appraisal of externalities with focus on “non-market” externalities.
Lecturer: Raffaele Oriani
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